Current release: 5.6.3
Preliminary Steps:
1. Capture a System Status salvo.
- Expand the Ultrix node and navigate to Database > Salvos.
2. Back up the database and frame settings.
- Navigate to System Status > Transfer > Ultricore Database > Select database to backup > Browse > Apply.
- (Optional) Navigate to Ultriscape > Head Selection; screenshot the PiP/layout assignments for each Ultriscape head.
Upgrade Steps:
When ready to upgrade, navigate to System Status > Upload > Browse (select .bin file) > Finish > Wait for upgrade to complete. Do not reboot yet.
- If you have any HDX boards, upload the HDX file now.
- If you have any IP boards, upload the IP file now.
- If you have any MODX boards, upload the MODX file now
Once all files have been successfully applied, reboot system either from the upgrade popup or at the bottom of the system status window.
Post upgrade steps:
As of version 5.1.1 protocol services have been introduced. By default these are all disabled. To re-enable follow the steps below.
1. Open System status
2. On the network under system services select Change
3. Enable the protocol that are used with Ultrix