Common Problems & Solutions
Election Workflow
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
2pm eastern
We’re Here to Help
Andrew Windish
Director of Engineering, Graphic Systems
Jeff Mayer
Demonstration Artist & Trainer
Zachary Fradette
Demonstration Artist & Trainer
Jeff Rietman
Demonstration Artist & Trainer
Ross Greenawalt
Project Manager – Team Lead
Vince Conti
Director of Broadcast Design, Nexstar
Tyann Clark
Art Director, Nashville Design Center
Aiken Pierce
Art Director, Nashville Design Center
Chris Stelly
Art Director, Nashville Design Center
Chris Hutchins
Director of Engineering, Content Systems
Call Overview
YLEH Xpression Templates using XML
1. Xpression Overview
2. Setting up DataLinq server
3. Setting up Xpression templates
4. How to put in Candidate Photos
5. Testing in Xpression and Xpression Newsroom Plugin
6. Common Problems & Solutions
NDC Teams Group
New to Xpression?
Two Ways to Playback Election Results
What You Will Need
- IP Address of NewsTicker server http://yourNewsTickerServer/cgi-bin/
- IP Address of Xpression Project Server
- Access to Gateway/Project Server (VNC, KVM)
- Access to Xpression Engines (VNC, KVM)
Setting Up DataLinq Server
- Install DataLinq server on Project Server/Gateway if not already installed.
- In MOS Gateway settings, enable DataLinq Server.
- Use IP address of machine running DataLinq Server, not localhost.
- Open DataLinq Server if not running (sometimes it get stuck, close/open if it does).
- Add your NewsTicker data as a source.
- Click Add New…
- Click “RSS/HTTP DataLinq Source”
- Input your NewsTicker Ross XML data feed into URL… 1. http://yourNewsTickerServer/cgi-bin/
- Change update interval to 30000 ms.
- Hit OK.
- Name the source YLEH XM
Setup DataLinq in YLEH Project
1.Open YLEH Project.
1.If you don’t have YLEH, contact Vince Conti and Tyann Clark at the NDC.
2.Hide NS templates and FILEPATH.
3.Unpublish FILEPATH and LEADS BY number.
2.Under Project, open DataLinq Manager.
3.Edit the URL of this to the IP of your Xpression Project Server/DataLinq Server.
1.Make sure port is set to 8888.
4.Test in Sequencer.
5.Publish Project to Project Server.
- All headshots should be created using Photoshop template available here…
- The filename of the headshot should be LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.png based on name in NewsTicker.
- All images need to be saved to the D:\YLEH_2\HEADSHOTS folder on the following Xpression machines…
- Xpression Designer (only required for testing)
- Xpression Project Server/Gateway/DataLinq
- All Xpression Studio Engines
If the headshots don’t appear…
- Check the NewsTicker XML feed to ensure spelling and punctuation match your filename.
- Check for spaces in XML feed names. To fix, correct the name in NewsTicker.
Getting Headshots to each Xpression Machine
“Sneaker net”
◦ Copy images from your computer to a USB drive, then copy to each machines D drive.
Windows File Share
◦ Set up D:\YLEH_2\HEADSHOTS as a shared folder on each Xpression machine.
VNC File Transfer
◦ Gross, but okay.
FTP Server
◦ Set up a FileZilla Server on each Xpression machine, then set up a user so the Artist can FTP directly into the D:\YLEH_2\HEADSHOTS folder.
Candidate Headshots do not use Streamline.
The Amendment FS does require the user to supply an image.
Testing in Xpression Active X Plugin
1.Open Xpression in NRCS (ENPS/iNews).
2.Select your YLEH template.
3.Put in Race ID and fill in Candidate Position numbers.
1.Race ID’s come from NewsTicker website or XML.
2.If your race is 7 candidates and you wanted to show all candidates, you’d create two fullscreens.
1.The first with CAND_1 through CAND_3 filled in with 1, 2, 3.
2.The second with CAND_1 through CAND_4 filled in with 4, 5, 6, 7.
3.The candidates positions automatically adjust based on vote totals.
4.Save to story.
Common Problems & Solutions
1.Don’t reboot or run Windows Updates the day of the election.
1.Make sure Windows Updates won’t auto-reboot your machine.
2.If a headshot isn’t showing up…
1.Check for extraneous spaces in the NewsTicker name.
1.Easiest way to check is by looking at the raw XML.
2.Fix by editing the Candidate name in NewsTicker.
2.Check that the filename matches.
1.Middle initials make for weird file names but trust the process.
1.Example:George P. Bush isBush_GeorgeP..png
3.Check that the headshot exists on the Gateway and Studio/Engine machines.
3.Results not properly appearing in the Xpression Plugin
1.Ensure DataLinq is setup on the DataLinq Server and that theYLEH Project points to your DataLinq server.
2.Make sure the user is putting in a Race ID as well as filling in…
CAND_1 with1
CAND_2 with2
CAND_3 with3
CAND_4 with4
or 5, 6, 7, 8
4.Remember to import all materials when importing new templates.
5.Producers can use templates from different Projects in the same rundown.
6.There are two different Lower Thirds
1.The NEWSversion is for day-to-day newsand leaves room for the regular lower-thirds.
2.The ELECTIONversion is higher up to makeroom for the election ticker.
7.If you get an “Error opening project file” when opening the YLEH project in Xpression, reinstall Xpression Designer.
8.The After Effects files are on the NDC FTP.
9.If you’re still using Send to CG to manually send graphics to the Xpression engine…
1.Ensure your NewsTicker Logic is updated to use X\READ instead of Z and Y.
2.Make sure the logic file on eachrace uses the Xpression logic fileinstead of the Lyric logic file.
Election Timeline
Election Workflow with Xpression
Additional help and webinar recording is available on
Zachary Fradette
Demonstration Artist & Trainer
Jeff Rietman
Demonstration Artist & Trainer
Ross Greenawalt
Project Manager – Team Lead
Aiken Pierce
Art Director, Nashville Design Center
Chris Stelly
Art Director, Nashville Design Center
Chris Hutchins
Director of Engineering, Content Systems