- Install and Enable IDONIX Plugin
- Enable Idonix Graphics - Core Plugin
- Enable Column Cart and/or Pie Chart
- Drag the corresponding Chart and JSON Controller actors to your Level.
- For Bar Charts:
- Column Chart
- Column Chart Preview JSON Controller
- For PIE Charts:
- Pie Chart
- Pie Chart Preview JSON Controller
- For Bar Charts:
- Select the Preview JSON Controller Actor and assign its corresponding chart.
- In your Blueprint, create DataLinq Chart Value nodes (Make DataLinqChartValue) for each value for your Chart. You can set its Value, Label and Color.
- For setting the color, it might be easier to create Variables with the Color type and use the Color Picker to set it visually
Note: The Value can come from a DataLinq Value node or from any other source.
- Create an Array node (Make Array) and populate it with the values you have already created.
- Add a Chart Values to JSON node, passing the previously created values Array as the Columns parameter.
- Set its internal ID
- Set the Title for your Chart
- And select the Chart Type. (Make sure it matches your chart and controller)
- Add a reference to your Chart Preview JSON Controller.
- Add a Set JSON Data node, passing the Return Value as the JSON Data input parameter, and the Controller as its Target. This will automatically convert the returned values into the JSON string format the Controller is expecting.
- Animate function to show the Chart
- Animate Out function to hide the Chart