Note: supported in Voyager 4.27 Beta 407 or higher
For Virtual LED + AR Set Extension, Voyager now includes a new template called “VLED+EXT”.
Please select that to create the project.
Quick steps to set it up:
- Create a project based on this new template.
- Create Media Profile.
- Assign Media Profile to Project Settings->Media Profile->Startup Media Profile.
- Adjust your Composite plane.
- Adjust nDisplay settings and viewports : Open “Virtual LED Stage” object and configure the nDisplay Nodes accordingly.
- Recommended: Select “Export on Save”.
- Adjust Voyager Green Screen objects (Dimensions) to match the area of your video wall. You can use a custom mesh as well. Adjust feather effect for the borders. You can use multiple objects.
Executing the project:
- Save the project and close Editor.
- Copy the project to the same path on every machine.
- Start "SwitchboardListener.exe" on every node 407 (the shortcut is called "Voyager XR Listener"; in future release, it will be called "Voyager Switchboard Listener").
- Open Switchboard (could be anywhere; master would be fine) with admin privileges. Open your uproject file (C:\Program). Files\Voyager\Engine\Plugins\VirtualProduction\Switchboard\Source\Switchboard\switchboard.bat)
- Make sure "Master Device Used as Set Extension" is selected.
- In the Master machine nVidia Control Panel, Vertical Sync needs to set to "Use the 3D application control".
- Progressive reference seems to work better for nVidia Sync.
- May need to tweak "Delay" values in the Master/AR Set Extension system -> Show Delay Info -> Set value -> Save.
- Lucid should talk to 1 engine to the Master/AR one only.
- Needs a couple seconds to catch up on start, so don’t worry if you see the performance too high for the first couple seconds (< 5 secs).
- This implementation should synchronize any nDisplay cluster event.
- Running PIE on in the Editor runs the set as VS/AR, so it can be used to adjust the input and tracking delay as usual.
Start with a simple project. Once everything works fine, move to an actual (bigger/complicated) project.